DSC06339 NaomiToeJam 04-07-12  Naomi gives it the boot DSC06401  Naomi school play DSC06415  Ethan Jazz Concert
DSC06480  The Crew NaomiKeeperThrow 04-28-12  Naomi distributes nicely DSC06506  Ethan School Band DSC06741  Janet's little friends
DSC06755  Ethan (with cool hat) marching with Band DSC06775  Some pretty flowers DSC06789  Chillin' by the lake DSC06818  Ethan keeping an eye on things
DSC07323 DSC07310  Naomi on The Ride DSC07318  Grandpa and Ethan cheering on Naomi's PMCKids Ride DSC07314  Grandma and Grandpa cheering on Naomi (and watching an accident?)
DSC07354  #1 Individual Fund Raiser for the Upton 2012 PMCKids Ride!!! DSC07387  Settlers of Catan ...the Family Feud Edition DSC07388  Settlers of Catan ...the Family Feud Edition DSC07414  Riding while self capturing